Before you proceed, carefully read the submission guidelines as follows:

  1. The Paper Should be written in English.
  2. View the theme and scope topics.
  3. Adhere to the ICCSEI’23 Publication Ethics and Malpractice statement, and E3S Publishing Policies and Ethics.
  4. It should be a full article. There is no limit as regard the maximum number of pages. However, make sure that your contents is relevant, useful to the community and with no redundant information
  5. The paper format is as follows:
    •  Some tips on how to write a TITLE and an ABSTRACT in a proper way are given in this document.
    • Word Format A4 (210 x 297 mm), two columns: DOWNLOAD HERE.
    • References: Any styles are allowed but must be formatted using any reference management tool e.g. Mendeley, Endnote, Zotero
  6. All review processes are double blind peer reviews by a minimum of two anonymous reviewers.
  7. Full paper must be submitted through
  8. Please contact and cc to with the questions.